Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Christmas Season Highlights so far...
1. Worship Team Christmas Party - lots of fun and laughter.
2. Board and Staff Christmas Party at Osaka- good food, Pee Pee man and great friends
3. Watching the girls sing at church and school functions
4. 180 Christmas Fiesta - Santa Claus wearing a sombrero, spicy food, $300 for Speed The Light and More laughter
5. Putting a Barbie Doll House Together while watching Star Wars and listening to my Dad talk about payback. Lol
6. Shopping with my wife for the girls
7. Student Ministries Team Party - awesome Italian food, Sha Dee Dee's present, Grams in a Cowboys Santa Hat and more laughter
8. Continuing the Posey Family Tradition of reading the real Christmas story at my Grandaddy and Granny's house
9. Dream Team Awards Banquet - so proud of the people who make Northside happen
10. Butcher shop pie at Sasha's grandfather's house
11. Watching the girls open their presents
12. Being with my wife and girls
Blessings to you all,
Rusty, Sasha, Madelyn and Mackenzie
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Batterson challenges the reader to return to the primal element of Christianity. He believes our most basic problem or primal problem is that we are not great at the great Commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
Mark examines each one of those elements in this amazing book. I found it to be a very engaging read. He states that his "aim in this book to take you new places intellectually and spiritually so tha tyou discover new ways of loving God." Batterson's knowledge of the human mind coupled with his knowledge of the word of God accomplishes that goal. I was challenged to grow deeper in my love for God, but also given the practical tools in how to achieve that goal.
I challenge you to make this the first book that you personally read in 2010. For Pastors and Leaders, this would be an excellent book for a message series or discipleship class.
Primal releases in stores today. You can purchase a copy by clicking here.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Free Stuff This Christmas
1. John Elefante has made available a free Christmas track of "O Come All Ye Faithful." Click here to get the track or go to
2. I gave you a track by my favorite singer. Now, here's an entire album plus a special bonus cut by one of my favorite bands, Guardian. This is their album, Miracle Mile, plus a bonus cut. Click here to download Miracle Mile for free. This is limited to only 100 downloads per day. So, if you don't get it today, try again tomorrow.
3. I ran across this for you American Idol fans yesterday on Itunes. David Archuleta singing "Joy to the World." Click here to download this single for free THIS WEEK ONLY!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday Update
2. We had lunch with the staff and one of the great couples of our church yesterday. I love hanging out with them.
3. As of today, I've dropped 11 pounds since dropping Caffiene and watching what I eat. :) Now, if I can continue it through all the Christmas Parties we have over the next two weeks.
4. Cowboys lost yesterday....not suprising. It is December right. I am disappointed that we jumped to a 10 point lead only to give it up.
5. Longhorns playing for the National Championship is sweet! Now, if I can make it through the next month listening to all the SEC elitist and their boasting. LOL
6. Read 1 Peter today in my devotional. I think all husbands need to hear this scripture. 1 Peter 3:7 (NLT) "In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered." I don't want my prayers to be, I'm gonig to treat my wife right. :)....and because she's awesome and I love her.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Caffiene Anonymous
Reminds me of a scripture...
Proverbs 26:11 (NLT) "As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness."
I just wish McAlister's Sweet Tea tasted like vomited.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Crazy couple of weeks
1. Hell House was last week. I played the part of Jesus in the heaven scene. Had a blast hanging with Corbin and seeing the groups coming through.
2. Trunk or Treat was on Saturday night. Awesome event!
3. Friday Night, we went to eat before Hell House to celebrate Mady's Report Card. She made the "A Honor Roll." We went to On the Border at her request. :D
4. I drove to Little Rock on Sunday Afternoon. I attended some meetings at First A/G, North Little Rock to see how they do things. It was awesome. Thanks to Pastor Rod and team for making me feel welcome and allowing me the opportunity to learn.
5. I also got to go to the Stryper show while I was there. It was the 25th Anniversary of the release of the Yellow and Black Attack. Great show and great time hanging with Brian.
6. I am reading Scott Wilson's new book "The Next Level" - if you are going through a tough time, I'd recommend you reading it.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Trusting God
I spoke asking the question "Do we trust God?" Do we trust God for direction, provision, salvation, etc.? At the close of the service, we had one student commit his life to Christ. I loved seeing our team praying with kids in the altar.
God is cool....I'm glad I get to come along on his journey. :)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Conference Highlights
Top 3 Takeaways
In the 1950s and 60s, Pastors only need 6 skills to do their jobs.
Today, Pastors need 27 different skills to do their jobs.
"If your stage time exceeds your prayer time, then you will become a problem some time." - Gerald Brooks
"Patience with God is called faith. Patience with people is called love. Impatience is arrogance." - Dale Bronner
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
So, who would you want more than Romo?
There are only a handful of quarterbacks in the league that I would want starting over Romo right now....not necessarily in this order.
1. Peyton Manning
2. Tom Brady
3. Drew Brees
4. Eli Manning
5. Philip Rivers
Other guys like Ben Roethlisberger and Jay Cutler deserve a mention...Carson Palmer maybe....the fact is that I cannot name 10 QBs that I would rather have starting for the Cowboys.
I guess this puts things in perspective.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Life is Good
Philippians 4:12 (NIV) "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."
No matter what is happening in life, we can be content. For me, right now life is good. I am in a situation where my family is healthy and we have everything we need.
When life is difficult, we can still be content. It's all about having the right attitude and the proper persepective. Paul had the right attitude....he was content in all situations. He had the proper perspective.
Philippians 1:21-25 (NIV) "21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.22 If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know!23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far;24 but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.25 Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith."
He knew why he was here and what God had called him to do.
How content are you?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Don't Underestimate God
Ephesians 3:20 (NLT) "Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think"
God is able to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. He wants to accomplish this work through us. By our lack of faith, we limit what God can do. We underestimate what He can accomplish through us. So, ask for greater things....think/dream bigger dreams.....God can accomplish His work through you.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Freedom To Serve
Galatians 5:13 (NLT) "For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love."
We are called to a life of serving one another. Think about it!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Growing or Dying
So, I've recommitted myself to the personal growth process.
Scott Wilson challenged leaders to personal growth during the Nines Conference. He tells how that he challenged his staff to read 35 books and listen to 102 leadership lessons in a period of a year. The video of Scott's talk is below.
I personally have committed myself to doing that in the next year. I'm already ahead by having sat through 8 different leadership lessons since making that commitment. Currently, I am reading Jeanne Mayo's Book Thriving Youth Groups and rereading John C. Maxwell's 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Also, for my personal Bible Study time, I am reading and studying Galatians.
What Books are you reading? Whose leadership teaching are you listening to?
Monday, September 21, 2009
Open Mouth....Insert Foot
Unfortunately, Romo did not back up my trash talk with a win. Instead, I am going to have to choke down some crow. :/
The moral of the story......
Proverbs 16:18 (NLT) "Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall."
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Family Update
First, we will be joining the Pastoral Staff at Northside Church in Texarkana, Texas. We will be the Student Ministries Director. I'll be overseeing all Kid's and Youth Ministries. We will also have a focus on the family (marriage, parenting, etc.). Our official start date is September 1st. I'm really looking forward to working with Pastor Jimmy and Renata. He has been a tremendous friend and mentor to me over the last couple of years.
For the last several months, I've been working in Texarkana at a call center that services home mortgages. We call for documents, payments, etc. for the "Obama Plan." I've learned a lot about the mortgage industry. Last month, they selected me as the "Employee of the Month." It has been awesome working with the people I work with. My last day will be on August 31st.
Sasha is starting school tomorrow. Another year of teaching 3rd Graders. She is also serving as the 3rd Grade Chair. I'm really proud of her. She really made tonight special for the girls. She got them presents for the first day back to school. It is a cool family tradition.
Mady is starting First Grade tomorrow. She is getting so tall. She started Gymnastics last week and loves it. She suprises us with her reading abilities. She loves to organize and clean......definitely takes after her mom. :) She loves going to Northside because she has many friends there.
Mackenzie is in preschool this year. She is a creature of habit. She wakes up every morning and has to sit in the same spot, have a glass of milk and watch the Backyardigans. She is a daredevil. She loves baby dolls.
We are excited for the future. Look for more blogs soon. :)
Monday, August 3, 2009
New Blog Layout
I believe all things work together for good for them who love God and are called according to his purpose. I am extremely excited about what God has for us in the future.
So, with that said, the blog is back full-time. Check out the right side for my twitter updates or join twitter and follow me.
Moving Forward,
Happy Birthday Kelsey

Monday, July 27, 2009
If Jesus was the Commissioner of the NFL or MLB
I was thinking about this on the way home tonight and the thought popped into my head....What if Jesus were commissioner of the National Football League or Major League Baseball?
It's the old question "What would Jesus do?" I think we could look no further than John 8 to see what Jesus would do.
A group of Pharisees and religious leaders brought a woman who had been caught in adultery to Jesus. Verse 4-5 states "Teacher," they said to Jesus, "this woman was caught in the very act of adultery. 5 The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?"
Adultery in that day deserved death. Jesus knew the law. However, he comes up with a brilliant answer. Verse 7 states that Jesus "stood up again and said, "All right, stone her. But let those who have never sinned throw the first stones!"
Jesus points out the same thing that Romans 3:23 points out....we are all sinners. I heard Hank Aaron say last night in his defense of Pete Rose that we all have done wrong in our lives and should be given a second chance.
God is a God of second chances. He gave a second chance to the woman that day. What she had done was horrible! According to the law, she deserved death. However, he gave her a second chance.
What these men have done is wrong.....Gambling on games you play is viewed as the unpardonable sin in Major League Baseball. Dog Fighting is a disgusting and heinous crime. However, I believe that Jesus would have given them a second chance. He wouldn't have put some sort of stipulation on it. If you act right, then we will reinstate you. We will let you back in, but you cannot manage or you have to sit out more games. No, I believe Jesus would've done the same thing that he did in John 8. He looked at the woman and he said in verse 10 "Where are your accusers? Didn't even one of them condemn you?" 11 "No, Lord," she said. And Jesus said, "Neither do I. Go and sin no more ."
He looked at the woman and said "Go and sin no more." I believe he would look at Michael Vick and Pete Rose and say "Go and sin no more."
God will do the same thing for you too. If you are away from God, ask for forgiveness and he will say the same thing to you....."Go and sin no more." God will not make you jump through hoops.....He doesn't say "If you act right for six weeks, then you will be forgiven."
1 John 1:8-9 (NLT) "If we say we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and refusing to accept the truth. 9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong."
Go and Sin No More
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Unsolicited Advice
Sometimes, the advice is good advice or a good warning. Sometimes, it is not. We can't wait many times for the person to walk away.....some try and tell us how to drive, how to make decisions, how to live our life, how to raise our kids, what jobs we should take, etc.
I'll be honest. I usually tell couples who are about to have a baby several pieces of unsolicited advice that helped Sasha and me or would've helped us.
1) Start buying diapers now while you still have money.
2) If the baby uses formula, try finding the formula on ebay. We did this for both girls and saved tons of money. You just have to be careful that you don't get burned. Check the seller's ebay history.
3) Enjoy sleep now because you won't get much when the baby comes.
This morning, I was reading from Isaiah. God was communicating to Israel through the prophet Isaiah and several things leaped out to me and I wanted to share them.
Isaiah 40:13-15 (NLT) "Who is able to advise the Spirit of the LORD? Who knows enough to be his teacher or counselor? 14 Has the LORD ever needed anyone's advice? Does he need instruction about what is good or what is best?"
The Lord doesn't need our unsolicited advice. He can do his job just fine without us telling him how to do his. :) He knows how you need to be provided for. He knows when your healing needs to take place. He knows the path your lost family member needs to be on to get them to the point of salvation. He does not need us to be backseat drivers for our lives. Let me say this.....petitioninig and advising are two different things. We should as scripture tells us....present our requests to God. That's prayer. We shouldn't tell him how to do his job.
God takes it a step further a few chapters later.
Isaiah 45:9-12 (NLT) "Destruction is certain for those who argue with their Creator. Does a clay pot ever argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying, 'Stop, you are doing it wrong!' Does the pot exclaim, 'How clumsy can you be!' 10 How terrible it would be if a newborn baby said to its father and mother, 'Why was I born? Why did you make me this way?' " 11 This is what the LORD, the Creator and Holy One of Israel, says: "Do you question what I do? Do you give me orders about the work of my hands? 12 I am the one who made the earth and created people to live on it. With my hands I stretched out the heavens. All the millions of stars are at my command."
The creator of all things knows best. He can see where we're headed. He knows the path our lives need to be on.
When we are patient and we wait on God and his time. Look at the promise in Isaiah 40.
Isaiah 40:27-31 (NLT) "O Israel, how can you say the LORD does not see your troubles? How can you say God refuses to hear your case? 28 Have you never heard or understood? Don't you know that the LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth? He never grows faint or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. 29 He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. 30 Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. 31 But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."
Wait on God! Stop giving him advice! See what happens in your life! :)
Enjoy the Journey! I am. :)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Mavs get Marion!
As excited as I am about the NBA season, I am even more excited about what God has in store for Sasha and me. It's going to be cool.
A friend of mine, Nova Pittman, shared this scripture with me a couple of months ago. It has really been captivating my thoughts. Nova is the church planting director for the North Texas District.
Deut 32:11-12 (NIV) "like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young,that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them on its pinions. 12 The LORD alone led him;no foreign god was with him."
Bring it on God! We're ready!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Catch up time
Sasha and the girls are enjoying their summer. They've gotten to spend time at both of their grandma's houses. We've also taken a family trip to the zoo.
Mady attended the Vacation Bible School at First Methodist Church in Atlanta and loved it! She's a great big sister and really plays with Kenzie. A few days ago, Mady cleaned her whole room with out being told to. She takes after her mother. :)
Kenzie keeps us laughing all the time. We're working on potty training. She had a blast in the pool at Nana's house. We had to really watch her because she's a little daredevil.
The question that we get asked most often is "So, what's next? What are you going to do?" Well, we're praying about God's direction for our lives. We know that God has great plans for us and we are excited about what the future has to offer.
I did get to communicate at Northside Church on June 14th. Thanks to Pastor Jimmy for giving me the opportunity. It was a blast!
If you want to know what's going on more regularly, follow me on Twitter at
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What's Up
I wanted to share this video. This is one of my favorite worship songs "God of this City" sung by American Idol Winner Kris Allen.
Family Notes
Mady finished up Kindergarten and had a great year. She lost another tooth this week. Mackenzie is talking more. She keeps us laughing. We're enjoying the summer. Memorial Day weekend, we spent with my parents in Waco. We got to swim, eat, shop, eat, have a date and did I mention eat. My mom cooked some great food. I went on a diet as soon as we got back. We also got to go to VLC. My dad is the business administrator there and it is the church that we attended through my adolescent years. Loved the worship and look of the facility. Kevin Harrison and his team are doing a fantastic job there.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Some quick bullet points.
Sasha and I are doing great. Thanks to everyone for your prayers. :)
I spent yesterday working with my Dad and Grandaddy. We moved a bunch of stuff at my Grandaddy's business. I even drove the forklift. :) We're headed back out today to do some more work.
NFL schedules were released yesterday. The Cowboys have a brutal schedule....especially the last five games. I'm pumped that they have 6 nationally televised games though.....3 Sunday Night games on NBC, 1 Monday Night game on ESPN, 1 Saturday game on NFL Network and Thanksgiving Day against the Raiders. I don't have high hopes this year. I hope they make the playoffs.
For all you Guardian they release their new I can't wait. :)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
New Site Coming Soon
First off, let me apologize for not blogging more. I promise that in the near future you will see more consistent blogging from me.
Second, I'm in the process of redesigning this site. I'm considering hosting it at a different company other than blogger that will give me a few more features. So, in the meantime, I will not be blogging. My goal is to have the new site go live on April 15th. So, check back on tax day and see what is happening.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Keep doing what your doing
Through the social network of Facebook, I have been able to reconnect with many people that were either in the youth groups or churches where I have been on staff in the past.
I recently received this message from one of those people.
"I want to thank you for all you taught me as a teen... God used you to feed and water the seed he had planted. I never lost those truths ... the experiences in youth at a time when my home was full of drugs and I spent many nights hiding in the closet from crack heads.the youth group was my safe place. My link to hope..... I have ran from God many times, but the truth of his unconditional love has always brought me back. Much of that truth I learned through the time I spent in youth....anyway... I just wanted you to know that your obedience to the Lord ...welll... it probably saved my life.... I didn't think I would live to be 18... I turned 18 at Southwestern.... Thanks. Keep doing what your doing."
So, I'll continue to stay focus on my life's mission. I'll keep doing what I'm doing.....helping people connect to God.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Just so you know, I'm not immune to resisting change. This week, the Newsboys announced that Michael Tait of DC Talk fame would be replacing Peter Furler as the Lead Singer of the Newsboys. Furler would still sing on the studio albums, but Tait will be the touring vocalist. Now, I like Michael Tait. I'm a huge DC Talk fan. However, I personally think an American singing lead in the Newsboys destroys the Aussie Mystique that they have been known for. To me, it's the beginning of the end for the Newsboys. (Note: See Petra as an example....when Bob Hartman quit touring, then Petra's days were numbered)
The point is...we all resist change. We do not like change. Abraham had to change locations. Noah had to change his accomadations (and build it too). Paul had to change his beliefs and his name. The list could go on and on. God requires us to change. Romans 12:2 tells us that we will be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Transformation is change.
What is God asking you to change?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
2. I really appreciate the ladies that brought food for our family last night. They heard that Kenzie and I were sick. So, they loaded up some of the food from the Wednesday Night Meal and brought it to us. It really meant a lot to us. Thank you so much Tammy and Maurine.
3. I woke up this morning to non-stop ESPN coverage of Terrell Eldorado Owens departure from the Dallas Cowboys. To me, this means that there are no more excuses. It's time to win and win it all. If Dallas was a favorite last year entering the season with TO and without Roy Williams, then they should be a favorite entering the season this year. Nothing less than a playoff win is deemed a failure. I'm looking forward to Football Season.
4. I'm gearing up for Sunday. Last week was awesome. This week, we are looking at the Helmet of Salvation. I can't wait. :)
5. Well, after many months of me trying to convince Sasha she needed to get on Facebook, she finally caved in and signed up for an account. You can check out her profile here.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday Morning Blog
Yesterday morning was incredible. We have been talking about Spiritual Warfare. For the last several weeks, we have been talking about the different elements of the armor of God. Yesterday's message was on the Shield of Faith. The best part of the service was at the end when I got to pray with a person to receive Christ. How awesome is that!!!!!
Our faith is attacked by doubt. We need to realize that God is in control of every situation and trust him. One day, he will reward the righteous. So, we must obey him. In the end, we win. God's Kingdom will prevail. We win!!!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Random Thoughts
1. Prayers for those who are sick...especially my Granny, Bro. May and Mr. Stuart...Also, my mom who broke her finger last weekend.
2. Sunday's Message - I'm looking forward to communicating about the Shield of Faith. We've got to Wield The Shield!
3. The NBA All-Star Weekend - I'm a sucker for All-Star weekend. Next year, it will be in Dallas and I want to go. 100,000 people packed into the new Cowboy's stadium for the All-Star game. Plus, I'd love to be in the arena for the dunk competition. Lebron has thrown his name into the hat for next year's competition.
4. Danny Gokey - The next American Idol. He's a "church music director" whose wife passed away shortly before he tried out for Idol. I love his voice.
5. Galatians - I'm loving the Bible Study on Wednesday Night. I personally am learning so much about the churches of Galatia and those who were teaching a false doctrine. It has been eye opening. Come check it out on Wednesday Nights at 7:00 p.m.
6. Valentine's Day - We took the girls to Shreveport for our annual trip to Build a Bear to buy bears for their birthdays. We welcomed "Bunny" (Kenzie's new bunny) and "Valentine Bear" (Mady's new Panda Bear) to the family. Mady got to choose the restaurant and she chose Buffalo Wild Wings because she knows that I like that place. I also suprised Sasha and the girls with Valentine's presents before we left the house.
It's been a good week. I really am looking forward to this weekend. :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Mady!
So, let me take some time to......brag.....about Mady. She is incredibly smart. This year, she is in Kindergarten and is reading beyond her grade level. She recently was recommended for the Gifted and Talented program at her school and has been going through testing. She loves to create. She loves to draw, do art projects, craft projects and cook with Mom. She is a Daddy's girl.....big time. :) Mady has lost 6 of her baby teeth now. She loves taking gymnastics every Tuesday.
Personality wise....she's shy when she first meets you. However, once she warms up, she is very much an extrovert. She is high strung with a little bit of drama queen. Saying that, she is very kind hearted and almost never gets in trouble at school (she gets that part from her mother). She is very caring and loves to take care of her little sister.
She is a blessing to me and Sasha. We love her very much.
Happy Birthday Mady! Daddy loves you!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Critical Thinkers Group
Here is what I took away from the event:
1. "One God idea is better than a 1,000 good ideas." - Mark Batterson, Pastor of National Community Church and Author of In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day and Wild Goose Chase
2. "There's something that's inside of our skin that tells us that someone else's success is our failure." - Troy Grambling, Pastor of Flamingo Road Church, Miami, Florida
3. Be who God created you to be and believe in your calling - Troy Grambling
4. Rich Wilkerson talked about how things start on the coastal cities and move inland. Think about it. What are the most secular cities in our nation? New York, New Orleans, Miami, Los Angeles, Seattle, etc. He said what's starts there will eventually make its way to our communities. This is what they are currently facing in Miami......Extreme Secularism, Spiritism, Sheer lostness of people, and Religious persecution. He said to get ready because this would be what is coming to our cities.
5. John Gray spoke on Tuesday Night. It was incredible. God reminded me of a dream that he had given me years ago. I honestly thought the dream had been accomplished during our time in Chandler. However, the dream is not over. It is still alive and burning deep in my soul. There was a rebirth that took place that night. We ended the night with all the pastors heading to a side room for anointing and prayer. This was a very powerful time.
I also wanted to say how awesome it was to be able to hang with a couple of friends from my college days. Michael Norman, John Van Pay (and Stephanie) and I had a blast. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a long time.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy Monday!
2. Can you believe the game last night? Wow! I thought the Cards were going to pull it out, but the Steelers pulled it out. Congrats to Cornerstone's Steeler Fans, the Staleys!!!!
3. It was an honor to dedicate Lauren Wall to the Lord. Jeff and Tiffany are awesome people. Lamon and Elizabeth are incredible grandparents. What a great family! :)
Friday, January 30, 2009
Random Friday Thoughts
2. Sunday, we get to dedicate Lauren Wall to the Lord. I'm so excited. This is the first baby dedication that we've had since I've been at Cornerstone.
3. I'm looking forward to this Sunday's message on Spiritual Warfare. We are looking at putting on the belt of truth.
4. I'm not making a Super Bowl prediction. The Colts and Cowboys were my preseason pick and neither one are in the game. However, I would like to see the Cardinals win for a few reasons. 1) Kurt Warner is a classy guy and I'd love to see him win another ring. 2) I don't want the Steelers to get a 6th ring before the Cowboys get their 6th ring. 3) I thought that Ken Whisenhunt or Russ Grimm both deserved the Steelers job when Cowher retired. They both were snubbed. 4) I like to pull for the underdog. :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Busy Times
2. This week, we have had the Master's Commission from Trinity Church in Cedar Hill. They came in Sunday afternoon and will leave after service tomorrow night. They ministered in our Sunday Night service. Then, they have been painting the interior of the church. We said a fond farewell to the "sea foam green" walls in the hallway and bathrooms. We also painted two classrooms and have two more fhat we are going to finish tomorrow. Matt Robertson is the MC Director and their team has been a load of fun to work with.
3. We've had several people who have been in the hospital or really sick. Could you please pray for Lucille, Ms. Irene, William (Bro. May's Son) and Bro. May?
4. Something I've been thinking a lot about lately is spiritual warfare. Ephesians tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of darkness in the heavenly realms. When you go through the struggles of life, remember that your fight is against something that you cannot see. Greater is He that is in you that he that is in the world! Be encouraged!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
One of the definitions for the word anticipation is expectation or hope. Faith is anticipation. You are believing....even expecting what God has in store. It takes Faith to be saved. It takes faith for healings. It takes faith for miracles. It takes faith to be filled with God's spirit.
What is your anticipation level? You can expect a service to be bad and it probably will be (at least from your perspective) or you can come expecting life change, transformation, renewal and revival and you will receive that.
Matthew 5 tells us blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness because they will be filled. We see in James that if we draw close to God (an act of faith), then God will draw close to us.
Expect great things! God will not disappoint. :)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Revival with Ron Rhoads
Come expecting God to move!