Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Growing or Dying

My friend, Dennis Land, used to say you are either "growing or dying." In the last couple of weeks, I have been challenged by several different things that I have either seen, read or heard regarding personal growth. As followers of Christ, we are either growing or we are dying. As leaders, we are either growing or we are dying.

So, I've recommitted myself to the personal growth process.

Scott Wilson challenged leaders to personal growth during the Nines Conference. He tells how that he challenged his staff to read 35 books and listen to 102 leadership lessons in a period of a year. The video of Scott's talk is below.

I personally have committed myself to doing that in the next year. I'm already ahead by having sat through 8 different leadership lessons since making that commitment. Currently, I am reading Jeanne Mayo's Book Thriving Youth Groups and rereading John C. Maxwell's 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Also, for my personal Bible Study time, I am reading and studying Galatians.

What Books are you reading? Whose leadership teaching are you listening to?

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