Last night, I had one of those Dad moments. After we got back from prayer meeting at church, Sasha had to run up to the school. So, I was home with the girls. I had set the DVR to record the Cowboys first preseason game. I got the girls ready for bed and put Kenzie down to bed. Mady, my oldest, and I had made plans to watch the game together. Since it wasn't a school night and since it was the Cowboys, I had made her the offer to stay up late if she would watch the game with me.
So, for the first time, she sat down and watched the entire first half with me. Kenzie came in when she realized Mady was staying up so we let her stay with us. For the first half, the three of us laid on the couch watching the Cowboys. It was awesome. I want my girls to love is selfish...I know, but I want someone to watch the games with me. :)
As I was praying this morning, I was thinking about the task of discipling my kids. I've said for years that I don't want anybody leading my kids to the Lord....that's my responsibility. I want to train my kids for life. Their formidable years are their preseason. Emmitt Smith said "All men are created equal...some just work harder in the preseason." My kids can do great things for God, but it is my wife and my job to see to that they are taught the things of God. This is way more important than if they love football. We pray with our girls. We read the Bible with them. We study JBQ with Mady. I know I still have room for improvement. Still, I'm not giving up.....I'm going to train them. :)
Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
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