1. My God - No one else has done more for me in my life than God. He sent his son, Jesus, to die on the Cross for my sins. He leads me beside still waters. He guides me along life's journey. He comforts me. He encourages me. He is the everlasting God and I'm incredibly grateful for all he has done.
2. My wife and girls - Sasha is a fantastic mother and wife. She keeps us all going. She works hard at school teaching 3rd grade and oversees our Kid's Ministries at the church. She is kind, thoughtful and loving. My girls are the joy of my life. They make me laugh and smile. They are both sweet. I'm very grateful today for my wife and girls.
3. My family - I'm thankful for the Godly heritage that I have on both sides of my family tree. I'm thankful for my mom and dad. I'm thankful for my grandparents. I'm thankful for my aunts, uncles, cousins and neices. Oh yeah, I'm thankful for my sister too. :)
4. My friends - I'm blessed to have some of the best friends in the world. I'm thankful for each and everyone of them especially Brian, Darrell and Michael. Those three guys have been there for me numerous times and I'm grateful for them today.
5. Cornerstone - I'm thankful to God today for allowing me the honor of pastoring His church. I do not take it lightly. I'm also thankful for the leaders, workers and volunteers that make things happen. I'm thankful for Pastor John and Rachel. I'm thankful for every family and person that attends Cornerstone.
I'm blessed.
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