Friday, September 28, 2007


Last Sunday, we began a new series entitled "Get Connected." At Cornerstone, we are connecting people to God and to each other. Last Sunday, we talked about how we connect to God in worship.

One of the ladies at Cornerstone e-mailed me this poem she wrote after hearing the message Sunday Morning. I thought I would share it with those who read my blog.


Worship is an important thing
To show our love to the Lord
It's about reading the Word
Cause its sharper than a sword!

The heart of worship is obedience
We must search for Him
Then submit to His ways
Not let our light grow dim!

We must worship to please God
Not worry about others
Or what they are thinking
Not brothers, sisters or mothers!

We must be in the right frame of mind
Not letting the weariness of the day
Distract us of our first love
Giving Him 110% each and everyday!!

Susie Staley

Thanks Susie for sharing your poem with us and for letting me post it on my blog.

I can't wait to continue the "Get Connected" Series this Sunday. We will be discussing Discipleship. Don't miss Sunday Night. It's our Fifth Sunday Fellowship. This month's theme is Bar-B-Que!!!!

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