1. A huge thanks to my wonderful wife today. It was one of those days that happen ever so often. I have been having some sort of sinus/throat problems. When I woke up yesterday, my throat was clogged. I left the office yesterday at lunch and never made it back. I took some meds and fell asleep on the couch. Then, I went to bed when the girls got in. Sasha was a big trooper. She made dinner, took care of the girls, got them baths and put them both to bed. Plus, she had to take care of a sick husband. Thank you, Sasha. I love you. I am feeling a whole lot better today.
2. I am looking so forward to our first outreach here at Cornerstone. We are having a "Family Fun Fest" on October 31. We will be adverstising in the paper and inviting the community. It's going to be great. We have inflatables rented. There will be tons of food. It's going to be a great event for the community.
3. We're about to start some new Adult Sunday School Classes. More information will be coming soon.
4. I've been reading a great book called Comeback Churches. Ed Stetzer and Mike Dodson interviewed and researched over 300 churches from multiple denominations including the Assemblies of God. These churches were all plateaued or were decreasing in attendance. It is interesting to see what God did in these churches when they prayed, planned and acted on God's plan.
5. Due to our church's faithfulness to missions giving, we have been able to add two new missionaries to our missions family. They are Gaylord and Fredna Brown and Amy Farley. Welcome aboard guys!
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