1. We had a great service yesterday morning. I began a new series entitled "Get Connected." We talked about Worship. True Worship isn't about an experience. It's about a relationship. Even though it was raining, we still had a good attendance. We are averaging over 80 in the month of September.
2. One of the things that I haven't blogged about is how unusual our Sunday Night Attendance is compared to other places.. We are averaging about 60-65% of our Sunday morning Attendance on Sunday Night. Most churches that I have talked to are averaging under 50%. Now, these are not hard facts. It's just a collection of what I have seen other places. So, I'm really excited about our Sunday Night Crowd.
3. We had a great service last night. I blogged last week about "Opportunity." Last night, I spoke about that subject and how we need to see and act on the God-given opportunites. We gave an opportunity for people to get saved. Two people raised their hand for salvation. During the altar time, a teenage boy came and started to talk to me. He wanted to give his heart to the Lord as well. So, 3 people commited their lives to Christ last night. That's what it is all about. WOW!!!!!
4. After service, I came home and helped get the girls in bed. Thanks to the miracle of DVR, I got to see the Cowboys/Bears game from start to finish. Wow! What a game! Anyone who has talked to me on this subject knows that I have been hesitant to completely jump on the Romo Bandwagon. I am now officially on the Tony Romo Bandwagon. Where is my #9 jersey? This guy is the real deal. Jason Garrett is doing an awesome job with the offense. The defense needs some work, but I like the pressure they are getting on opposing Quarterbacks. 3-0, WOW!!!
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