Friday, May 23, 2008

Week Update

1. Mady graduated from Pre-school on Wednesday Night. We have really enjoyed the daycare/pre-school that the girls attend.

2. Thanks to Bro. Hooten for filling in for me on Wednesday Night so that I could be at Mady's celebration.

3. Tuesday, I made a quick trip to Dallas for a meeting. While there, I was also able to check in on Michael and Tamara Norman. Cornerstone is supporting the Normans. They are planting a church in the lower Greenville area. We met at a Starbucks and then Michael showed me around the area. Check out their progress at

4. Yesterday, I had the privilege of meeting a missionary for breakfast. He was in the area meeting with different pastors. Tim Ware is a great guy. You can check out his ministry at Tim has a background in construction and enigineering. After breakfast, he came back to the church and we walked through the Family Life Center. He gave some great advice as we begin to look to complete the FLC in the next few months.

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