1. This morning, we had a great time of worship singing the Christmas songs. The chorus of "O come all ye faithful" was especially meaningful to me. I love that song. Great job worship team!
2. I enjoyed communicating the message this morning! Looking at the Christmas story, there were two questions that I think Mary might have had. Why do we have to go to Bethelehem now? How inconvenient! Yet that inconvenience was a part of God's plan! See Micah 5:2. The other question would be "Is this the best we can do for the Messiah?" They wrapped Jesus in strips of cloth and placed him in a horse trough. Wow! We go through a lot of preparations for our babies and I have to think that Mary might have felt a little sadness that they were having to place Jesus in a manger. I then posed the question to our church. "Are we doing the best we can for the Messiah?" Here's a video clip that we showed to conclude the message!
3. Huge thanks to Pastor John for filling in tonight! Our family attended a graduation celebration in Chandler. Lolly graduated from Baylor. We're proud of her. She completed her 4 year degree in 3 and a half years. Way to go, Lolly!
4. It was great to see so many of our former students at the celebration! Lolly, Drew, Neil, Jerid, Emily, Lauren, Pokey and James, we are proud of you and excited to see what is happening in your life!
5. It's not a trip back to Chandler unless we eat at my favorite restaurant, San Pedro's. Since it was a quick trip, we weren't able to call all of our friend or my cousin that lives there. Well, I get up to go visit the men's room and walk to the rear of the restaurant and there is a whole table full of my family. My cousin, J.C., and his family were there eating and a special suprise was to see my cousin, Clay, and his family too. Clay and Karen live in Houston and were up visiting his brother. We usually only see Clay and Karen at Family Reunion.
After 4 hours on the road, a graduation celebration and a mini family reunion, we are back home.
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