Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Books I'm Reading This Month

The older I get the more I enjoy reading.  Some of the books I read are required reading for a Men's Bible Study group I'm a part of.  Our Pastor will share books with our staff from time to time to help us grow as leaders.  There are some books that I read because the subject captivates me.  There are also books I read simply because I enjoyed previous books by the author.

Here are the books I've read this month.

1. All In - All In is a great book by Mark Batterson.  It declares we are only one decision away from a different life.  This book takes a journey through scripture as it challenges the reader to go All In and allow God to have control of your life so you can fulfill your eternal destiny.

2. Under Cover by John Bevere - Every believer needs to read this book.  In America, we have a democratic view of Christianity.  Christianity is the Kingdom of God with Christ as the head of the church.  This book will challenge your Americanized concept of the Kingdom of God.  It is powerful.  I am reading this book as a part of our Men's Bible Study group.

3. How to help your Pastor succeed by Dave Williams - This was an easy read that gives great advice to help you help your Pastor achieve the vision God has given him for the church.  It shares some real practical advice in the areas of Spiritual Warfare and Encouragement.

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